2 books, "Journey to the Moon" and "Journey to the Centre of the Earth," advertised on rear of title page. Published same day as Shepard's pirated edition titled "Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth." Original French title "Aventures de Trois Russes et de Trois Anglais Dans L'Afrique Australe" put the Russians first but English translations reverse the nationalities, putting Englishmen at front. The word "Meridiana" is unique to English language editions and refers to the geographical measurements conducted by the story's multinational expedition. Plates illustrate African animals as well as human adventures. A review in the New York Evening Post stated "It is quite as wonderful and marvelous as anything this fanciful Frenchman has written." Myers 39 lists three printings; this may be a variant binding of Printing A. Taves & Michaluk V009.