Title continues: "Containing Their History, Charges, Regulations, &c. First Compiled by Order of the Grand Lodge, From their old Records, and Traditions, By James Anderson, D. D." A well-preserved copy of the foundational text on Freemasonry. First collected by James Anderson, who was determined to produce an authoritative digest of the Constitutions, these rules were first printed in 1723, and the work passed through several editions. Widely regarded as the standard code on Freemasonry, the work was translated into several languages and was swiftly reprinted in America as soon as 1734 by Benjamin Franklin. This New Edition was produced by Noorthouck, best known for his works on London topography. Publisher's ads on last page. James Jervis Blomfield (1879-1951) was a Canadian artist and designer best known for his design of the coat of arms of Vancouver.