CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, M. L'Abbé [Jean-Baptiste]
Title continues: "Made by order of the King of France. By M. L'Abbé Chappe D'Auteroche Of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, in 1761. Containing an Account Of the Manners and Customs of the Russians, the Present State of their Empire; with the Natural History, and Geographical Description of their Country, and Level of the Road from Paris to Tobolsky. Illustrated with Cuts. Translated from the French, with a Preface by the Translator." Chappe was a member of the French Academy of Science and a noted astronomer. He travelled to Siberia to observe the transits of Venus in 1760. However, his text also discusses Chappe's experiences and observations in Russia, many of which he describes unfavorably. His criticism had the honour of an anonymous refutation by a member of the court of Catherine the Great. Cox 1 p. 351. ESTC T70180.