The Way to the Sea. Routes and Rates to World Markets. Why and how the proposed Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Ship Channel will benefit the farmer
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater Association
Regular price
I-Agriculture the key to national prosperity. II-The economic position of the farmer. III-Transportation costs and farm prices of wheat. IV-Distances to European markets. V-Existsing routes to seaboard. VI-Amounts moving by various routes. VII-Freight rates to seaboard. VIII-Elevation and terminal charges. IX-Ocean rates. X-Costs from the farm to Europe. XI-Total freight bill on export grain. XII-Transportation savings from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Ship Channel. XIII-Savings apply to grain consumed at home. XIV-Improvement of export trade position. XV-Wider benefits.
Publication Info
- Publisher: Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater Association
- Edition: n/a
- Date Published: December, 1926
- Place Published: Washington DC
- ISBN: n/a
- Condition: ex library-good
- Signed: No
- Dust Jacket: No
- Jacket Condition: n/a
- Details:
Bulletin No. 33. 23 p. 23 cm. 3 maps, 2 charts. Staplebound booklet. Ex library with ink stamps. Scuff on rear cover.