Title continues: "or Recollections of Scenes and Small Adventures During Twenty-Nine years' Military Service in the Peninsular War and Inavsion of France, the East Indies, campaign in Nepaul, St. Helena during the detention and until the death of Napoleon, and Upper and Lower Canada." TPL 2279. Sabin 31416; Gagnon I:3575; Morgan p. 183; Dionne 365. In these volumes Dr. Walter Henry (1791-1860) recounts his remarkable life as a military surgeon. The first volume describes his service in the Peninsular War in Europe, the Nepalese War of 1816-17, and his four years on St. Helena, at the end of which he attended the autopsy of Napoleon's body. In the second volume, Henry describes his posting to Canada as staff surgeon, 1827-41, giving a description of the country and an account of the Rebellion of 1837. After being away from Canada for the next ten years, he returned as Inspector-General of British Military Hospitals in 1852. Upon his retirement in 1856, he settled near Belleville. An attractive and well-preserved copy of a rare work.