The first 3 volumes of this set were published in 1725. Volumes 4-6, not included here, were not published until 1753. Containing Vol. 1: A summary recapitulation of affairs in Church and State, from K. King I to the Restoration in 1660; and The History of the Reign of K. Charles II from 1660-1670. Vol 2: The rest of the Reign of King Charles II from 1670-1685. Vol. 3: The History of the Reign of King James II to the Settlement of K. William and Q. Mary on the Throne, in 1689. With an alphabetical index to the three volumes. Author, and Bishop of Salisbury, Gilbert Burnet (1643-1715) was an academic and historian who wrote this history of England in 1724. He would later continue the history with three more volumes in 1753.