Title continues: "Containing, An Account of his Remarkable Convincement Of, and Embracing the Principles of Truth, As held by the People called Quakers; And also, of his Travels and Labours in the Service of the Gospel: With many other Occurrences and Observations." English Quaker convert Thomas Story was a friend of William Penn. Story's writings and speeches were very influential for Quakers. He travelled to virtually every part of the world in which Quakers were living, including Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany, and the West Indies. In 1698, he visited colonial America, lectured to Quakers there, and held positions in the Pennsylvania colony such as that of Keeper of the Great Seal. As a lawyer, he turned his talents to assisting the Quakers in many ways, and championed their affairs in numerous theological arguments. On pp. 123-127, Story relates how he met Tsar Peter the Great in London and explained to him why Quakers refuse to bear arms.