Title continues: "From the Earliest Accounts, to the Beginning of the Year 1770. Containing I. An Account of the original Foundation, and modern State of those Places. II. Their Laws, Charters, Customs, Privileges, Immunities, Government, Trade and Navigation. III. A Description of the several Wards, Parishes, Liberties, Precints, Churches, Palaces, Noblemen's Houses, Hospitals, and other public Buildings. IV. An Account of the Curiosities of the Tower of London, the Royal Exchange, St. Paul's Cathedral, the British Museum, Westminster-Abbey, &c. V. A general History of the memorable Actions of the Citizens, and the Revolutions that have happened, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the present Time." Four-page list of subscribers as well as Appendix and Index at rear. A magnificent history of London from the time of the Romans to 1770. Contains name origins of various neighbourhoods, an account of the Mint, descriptions of various tombs in Westminster Abbey, curiosities in the British Museum, histories of various hospitals, rates for travelling on the Thames, rates for carrying letters, ettiquette in the House of Commons and House of Lords, descriptions of communities in the surrounding area with many pages given to Windsor Castle.