Title continues: "In Quibus Praecipue Agitur De Montu Cordis in & extra uterum, ovo, ovi aere & respiratione. De Motu Bilis & Liquidorum omnium per corpora animalium. De Fermentis & Glandulis, &c." Lorenzo Bellini (16431704), Italian physician and anatomist, spent 30 years at the University of Pisa as Chair of Anatomy. His writings are dedicated to his follower, Archibald Pitcairne, Scottish professor of medicine who taught at Leiden. Pitcairne encouraged Bellini to publish these works. Bellini was the first Italian physician to systematically apply mechanical theories to medicine, particularly in his researches on the kidneys and urinary system. In this book, Bellini covered problems ranging from the intra and extrauterine circulation to the mechanics of the villi. About half the book is devoted to the movement of the heart with other essays on the movement of bile and on bloodletting. Latin text.