Following the release of the Durham Report in February, 1839, Sir George Arthur, Lieutenent Governor of Upper Canada appointed a commission of inquiry into the operation of most public offices. Eight committees were established and their reports were dated December, 1839 and January, 1840. The reports recommended sweeping changes to several departments. They included: Office of Sheriff, Public Gaols, and Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, pp. (1)-14; Office of the Receiver General, pp. 14-18; Office of the Surveyor General of Lands, pp. 18-21; Office of the Surveyor General of Woods and Forests, pp. 21-22; Office of the Agent for the Sale of Clergy Reserves, pp. 22-23; Office of the Chief Agent for Emigration, pp. 23; Courts of Request and the Commissioners of those Courts, pp. 24-28; Third Report of General Board on Office of Inspector General, and Appendix, pp. 29-60; Office of Commissioner of Crown Lands, pp. 61-62; Salaries and School Lands, pp. 62-63. Appendices of evidence, observations, etc., pp. 64-327. Appended is "Reports on the Executive Council, and Indian Department, In Upper Canada" (Toronto: Robert Stanton (Queen's Printer), 1849. TPL 2413. Sabin 10581.