Liquefied Energy Gases Facility Siting: International Comparisons
KUNREUTHER, Howard; LINNEROOTH, Joanne; STARNES, Rhonda (eds.)
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Topics include: societal decision making for low probability events; LNG siting in the Netherlands; appraisal of safety considerations for the Fife Gas Plant; short history of the California LNG Terminal; environmental and citizen groups; construction of an experimental commercial complex for natural gas liquefaction in Yerevan; economic problems of improving liquefied gas production and main line transportation; governmental regulatory agencies; risk assessment in facility siting; etc. Appendices.
Publication Info
- Publisher: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- Edition: n/a
- Date Published: 1982
- Place Published: Laxenburg, Austria
- ISBN: n/a
- Condition: Good +
- Signed: No
- Dust Jacket: No
- Jacket Condition: n/a
- Details:
IIASA Collaborative Proceedings Series CP-82-S6. 481 p. 24 cm. 25 b&w figures and tables. Softcover with light wear. A little soiling to lower edge.