M. Longmoore & Co.
What to see and do in Canada (now Ontario and Quebec) in Confederation year. The writer places more significance on "the Lower Province," perhaps for historical reasons. Nevertheless the traveller is encouraged to "undertake a ramble, with rod and gun in hand, from Niagara to Labrador" and most of the soon-to-be Province of Ontario receives adequate description. Those of us living in London, Ontario will be gratified to learn that we are "a city of fine appearance, of wide streets, running at right angles to each other, and with excellent buildings" (p. 160). The first edition of this guide appeared in 1866 with 10 illustrations. Since Notman (1826-1891) was considered the most significant Canadian photographer of the time, it was natural for him to photograph the Victoria Bridge in Montreal Harbour or the beauty of Niagara Falls.