The Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Housing, Civil Engineering Department, Wayne State University
KOUSKOULAS, Vasily (ed.)
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Topics include: the urban environment; synecostructure and synecopolis; redevelopment; grain theory; potential of non-orthogonal geometries; transportation; mass transit; inner city low income areas; sanitation; housing in Bombay and Calcutta; creating and selling a regional housing plan; mortgage market; creative taxation; stable racial and socio-economic integration; effects of project size on maintenance; children and the elderly in the urban environment; infill; partitioning; electrical installations; environmental noise control; prefabrication; co-op housing; slowing the process of deterioration; technology in rehabilitation.
Publication Info
- Publisher: n/a
- Edition: n/a
- Date Published: 1973
- Place Published: Detroit
- ISBN: n/a
- Condition: Very Good
- Signed: No
- Dust Jacket: No
- Jacket Condition: n/a
- Details:
276 p. 23 x 27 cm. Over 200 b&w photos, diagrams, and tables. Blue cloth hardcover with moderate wear. Conference held May 7-9, 1973.