Title continues: "Confidential Secretary to K. William during the whole of his Reign; afterwards Principal of the University of Edinburgh. Relating to Public Affairs in Great-Britain, but more particularly in Scotland, during the Reigns of K. William and Q. Anne. To which is Prefixed The Life of Mr. Carstares." William Carstares (1649-1715), Presbyterian minister and a leader of the Scottish church, worked for the union of England and Scotland, served as principal of the University of Edinburgh, and was four times moderator of the general assembly of the Church of Scotland. This collection of his papers contains a biography, proceedings in the Scottish parliament, letters, petitions, etc. The editor, Dr. Joseph McCormick (1733-1799), was Principal of the United College, St. Andrews and a grand-nephew of Carstares. Perhaps he was a bit like his grand-uncle, for politics, not preaching, was his preferred pastime.