Full titles: 1. A Letter from Major General Ludlow to Sir E. S. Comparing the tyranny of the first four Years of King Charles the Martyr, with the Tyranny of the Late Abdicated King. Occasioned by the reading Doctor Pelling's Lewd Harangues upon the 30th of January, being the Anniversary or General Madding-Day. 2. A Letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Hollingworth, Their Majesties Chaplain At St. Botolph-Aldgate. The name Edmund Ludlow is a pseudonym for a Republican pamphleteer whose identity remains unknown. Sir Edward Seymour (1633-1708), the "E.S." to which these letters are directed, was Speaker of the House and a well-known Royalist. The postscript on pages 29-30 prints "The prayer of King Charles, stiled A Prayer in time of captivity" beside, in a parallel column, "The Prayer of Pamela (to an heathen deity) being under imprisonment," taken from Sir Philip Sideney's "Arcadia." The second letter attacks Richard Hollingworth (1639?-1701), another ardent Royalist.