Title continues: "Containing in them many remarkable matters, either not taken notice of, or mistaken by most, which are Additionals to the large Annotations made by some of the Assembly of Divines. To which are added some further and larger Observations Of his upon the whole Book of Genesis Perused adn Attested by the Reverend Bishop of Armagh, and Mr. Gataker Pastor of Rederith. By the Learned and Industrious John Richardson, Bishop of Ardagh in Ireland, one who had a considerable hand in the forenamed large Annotations." John Richardson (1580-1654) held various ecclesiastical posts during his life, including bishop of Ardagh, Archdeacon of Derry, and Archdeacon of Down. This posthumously published commentary includes annotations on Genesis, followed by observations and explanations on the Old Testament. Dedications by James Armagh and Thomas Gataker.