Title continues: "Presented to the World as A New and Inviting Field of Enterprise For the Capitalist, and New Superior Attractions and Advantages as a Home For Immigrants Compared with the Western Prairies of the United States." Spence was Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. Dedicated to Sir John A. Macdonald. Topics include: what capital can do; what "pluck and muscle" may do; geographical position and extent; Canadian Pacific Railway; fertility of the land; comparison with Western United States [Canada is "safer and more reliable"]; salubrity of climate; soil and agricultural capacities; frosts; inducements for settlers; building timber, fuel and fencing; coal and peat; mineral resources; wheat growing; stock raising; sheep and wool; dairy farming; using buffalo; fruits; flax; hemp; bees; game; fish; principal rivers; colony system of emigrating; outfit and prices; routes; private lands; public lands; homestead and tree planting.